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Store NIC configuration

HwameiStor supports the use of a separate network card for data volume synchronization, which can avoid traffic congestion caused by using a communication network card.


-【🔥Advance configuration】: The configuration of the storage network card belongs to the pre-configuration of the storage system. It is recommended to configure in advance before installing the HwameiStor system. - [Configuration during operation]: If HwameiStor has been deployed, and the above configuration modification is performed later, then will not take effect on the previously created data volume, that is, the previous network card will be used for data volume synchronization. - If you need to modify the storage network cards of multiple nodes, please configure them one by one. Currently, batch configuration is not possible


The storage NIC planning has been completed in advance, please refer to Network Card Planning.


You can use two methods to configure it:

  1. Configuration via LocalStorage CR
  2. Mark by node annotation

Modify LocalStorage CR configuration

  1. On the left navigation bar, click Container Management —> Cluster List, find the Cluster whose NIC configuration needs to be modified, and enter the cluster details.

  2. Select Custom Resources in the left navigation bar, find, and click to enter the details.

  3. Find the node to be modified and click Edit YAML to modify storage-ipv4= parameter in spec, Specify the IP address as the planned network card IP network card plan.

  4. Click Save when finished, and select the next node to modify.

via node comment markup

  1. View the value of ENV: NODE_ANNOTATION_KEY_STORAGE_IPV4 of local-storage, the default is

  2. Mark the storage network card address on the node by comment

    kubectl annotate node <your_storage_node>``/storage-ipv4``=
  3. Restart the local-storage service on the node

  4. Verify whether the configuration is effective

    kubectl get lsn <your_storage_node> -o yaml |``grep`` -i storageIP
  5. After the modification is successful, proceed to the next node modification.
