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Insight Permissions Description

The Insight uses the following roles:

The permissions of each role are as follows:

Menu Operation Admin / Kpanda Owner Cluster Admin NS Admin / NS Editor NS Viewer
Overview View Overview
Dashboard View Dashboard
Infrastructure View Cluster Insight
View Node Insight
View Namespace Insight
View Workload Insight
View Events
View Probe
Create Probe Job
Edit Probe Job
Delete Probe Job
Metrics Query Node Metrics
Query Workload Metrics
Advanced Query
Logs Query Node Logs
Query Container Logs
Lucene Syntax Query Node Logs
Lucene Syntax Query Container Logs
Trace Tracking View Service Map
View Services
View Traces
TraceID Query Link
Alert List View Alert Events
Alert Rules Create Metric Template Rule - Workload
Create Metric Template Rule - Node
Modify Metric Template Rule - Workload
Modify Metric Template Rule - Node
View Metric Template Rule - Workload
View Metric Template Rule - Node
Create promQL Rule
Modify promQL Rule
Create Log Rule
Create Time Rule
Delete Custom Alert Rule
View Built-in Alert Rule
Modify Built-in Alert Rule
YAML Import Alert Rule
Notification Objects View Notification Objects
Add Notification Objects
Modify Notification Objects
Delete Notification Objects
View Message Template
Add Message Template
Modify Message Template
Delete Message Template
Alert Silence View Silence Rules List
Create Silence Rule
Edit Silence Rule
Delete Silence Rule
Collection Management View Agent List
Install/Uninstall Agent
View Agent Details
System Settings View System Settings
Modify System Settings

For more information on permissions, please refer to the Container Management Permissions Description.

For information on role creation, management, and deletion, please refer to Role and Permission Management.
