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Create EgressGateway Instance

This page describes the steps to create an EgressGateway instance.


  1. Currently, EgressGateway supports the following CNIs:

    If your cluster is using Calico CNI, execute the following command to ensure that the iptables rules of EgressGateway are not overridden by Calico rules, otherwise EgressGateway will not work.

    # set chainInsertMode
    $ kubectl patch felixconfigurations default --type='merge' -p '{"spec":{"chainInsertMode":"Append"}}'
    # check status
    $ kubectl get FelixConfiguration default -o yaml
    kind: FelixConfiguration
      generation: 2
      name: default
      resourceVersion: "873"
      uid: 0548a2a5-f771-455b-86f7-27e07fb8223d
      chainInsertMode: Append


    The meaning of spec.chainInsertMode can be referred to in the Calico documentation.

    Flannel CNI does not require any configuration, you can skip this step.

    Weave CNI does not require any configuration, you can skip this step.

    If your cluster is using Spiderpool with another CNI, follow these steps.

    Add the addresses of external services to the 'hijackCIDR' of the 'default' object in 'spiderpool.spidercoordinators' outside the cluster. This ensures that when Pods access these external services, the traffic first goes through the host where the Pod is located, and is matched by the EgressGateway rules.

    If "", "" are external service addresses. For Pods that are already running, you need to restart the Pods for these routing rules to take effect in the Pods.

    kubectl patch spidercoordinators default  --type='merge' -p '{"spec": {"hijackCIDR": ["", ""]}}'
  2. Confirm that all EgressGateway Pods are running normally.

    $ kubectl get pod -n kube-system | grep egressgateway
    egressgateway-agent-29lt5                  1/1     Running   0          9h
    egressgateway-agent-94n8k                  1/1     Running   0          9h
    egressgateway-agent-klkhf                  1/1     Running   0          9h
    egressgateway-controller-5754f6658-7pn4z   1/1     Running   0          9h

Create EgressGateway Instance

  1. Go to the corresponding cluster, click the Cluster Name to enter the details, select Network -> Network Configuration -> Egress Gateway , click Create Egress Gateway , and enter the following parameters. Click confirm to complete the creation.

    • Name: EgressGateway instance name.
    • Description: Description of the EgressGateway instance, optional.
    • Node Selector: Select the egress gateway exit node based on node labels. Selecting multiple nodes can achieve high availability. Plan ahead for exit nodes and assign the corresponding label to the nodes. In this chapter, label 2 nodes with egressgateway: true.
    • Egress IP Range: A group of EgressGateway exit IP ranges, the subnet must be the same as the exit network card (usually the default route network card) on the gateway node, otherwise, it is highly likely that egress access will not work. The setting supports IP range/IP address/CIDR.
      • IP Range Example:, used in this chapter.
      • IP Address Example:
      • CIDR Example:
    • IPv4 Default Egress IP: The default exit IP address of the gateway after creation. Select an IP address from the Egress IP Range as the default VIP for this group of EgressGateway. Its purpose is that when creating EgressPolicy objects for applications, if the VIP address is not specified, it will default to using this default VIP.
  2. Once created, you can view the status of the EgressGateway instance on the interface.

    You can also check the status using the following command.

    $ kubectl get EgressGateway default -o yaml
    kind: EgressGateway
      name: default
      uid: 7ce835e2-2075-4d26-ba63-eacd841aadfe
          egressgateway: "true"
      - name: egressgateway-worker1
        status: Ready
      - name: egressgateway-worker2
        status: Ready

    In the output above, the status.nodeList field has identified the nodes that match the spec.nodeSelector and the status of the EgressTunnel objects corresponding to those nodes.

After creating the EgressGateway instance, please proceed to create gateway policies.
